
Royal Thai Survey Department proposes disputed land for Khao Yai National Park



A proposal from the Royal Thai Survey Department (RTSD) suggests resolving a territorial dispute by transferring the contested land, initially earmarked for land reform, to Khao Yai National Park. This proposal, presented to Defence Minister Sutin Klungsang, aims to address conflicting claims over the area.

Originally designated for land reforms benefiting impoverished farmers, the disputed territory is now claimed by Khao Yai National Park, citing a royal decree from 1962. The RTSD, led by committee chairman Sutin Klungsang, advocated upholding the 1962 decree during a recent meeting, recommending the land be returned to the national park.

This proposal follows revelations that nearly 3,000 rai of land in Moosi subdistrict, Pak Chong district, had been allocated for agricultural use by the Agricultural Land Reform Office (Alro). Despite land title deeds being granted for 42 parcels, the discrepancy arose due to conflicting interpretations of territorial boundaries.

RTSD’s Proposal and Defence Minister’s Response

The One Map system, devised by the RTSD to prevent land ownership disputes, identified the disputed land as lying outside the national park, a conclusion contested by National Park Office director Chaiwat Limlikit-aksorn. Defence Minister Sutin pledged to investigate the accuracy of the RTSD map, emphasizing transparency in the process.

Athapol Charoenshunsa, director-general of the Department of Natural Resources, Wildlife, and Plant Conservation (DNP), affirmed that the disputed land falls within the boundary delineated by the National Park Act 2019. However, discrepancies between the RTSD map and the 1962 decree necessitate further scrutiny.

Chaiwat Limlikit-aksorn expressed readiness to pursue resolution through appropriate channels, emphasizing the importance of adhering to legal frameworks. He underscored the need for clarity in territorial delineation to avoid protracted disputes, signaling a commitment to finding a swift and equitable resolution.

Efforts to resolve the issue are ongoing, with stakeholders prepared to engage in constructive dialogue to ensure a fair and lawful outcome. However, challenges persist as interpretations of historical documents and contemporary mapping systems clash, necessitating thorough examination and collaboration among relevant authorities.

Commitment to Fair Resolution

As the dispute unfolds, the well-being of affected communities and the preservation of natural resources remain paramount concerns. Balancing the interests of land reform beneficiaries, conservation efforts, and legal frameworks is crucial in achieving a harmonious resolution.

Moving forward, transparency, accountability, and adherence to established laws will guide the process of resolving the territorial dispute. By fostering open communication and leveraging expertise from diverse stakeholders, authorities can navigate complexities and uphold the principles of justice and equity.

As discussions continue and investigations progress, stakeholders remain committed to finding a mutually beneficial solution that respects legal mandates and safeguards the interests of all parties involved.

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