
Chiang Mai to Bangkok bus crash injures passengers near Ban Tak



A tragic accident unfolded as a tour bus traveling from Chiang Mai to Bangkok collided with the rear of a trailer truck near Ban Tak District Hospital in Tak province. The incident left passengers injured, including two in critical condition, prompting an immediate emergency response.

Yesterday, a catastrophic collision occurred on Phahonyothin Road between kilometers 547 and 548, just north of Ban Tak District Hospital. The tour bus, operated by Sombat Tour, was rear-ended by a trailer truck carrying ore. The bus, bearing vehicle number 18-41 and license plate 15-9457 from Bangkok, had departed from Chiang Mai with 40 passengers bound for the capital.

Scene of Devastation: Injuries and Emergency Response

At the scene, responders were met with a distressing sight as the bus had sustained significant damage and all passengers were injured. Two were critically injured, ten were closely monitored for severe injuries, and twenty sustained minor injuries. Following the accident, five individuals were hospitalized at Ban Tak District Hospital for further treatment, while the rest were released after police investigations.

District Chief Saman Mueangkaew, en route to inspect a forest fire operation, witnessed the accident and swiftly coordinated with relevant agencies. Over 10 units, including medical teams and rescue foundations, were dispatched to assist.

Shocking Bus Collision in Pathum Thani

In other news, a shocking bus collision occurred in Pathum Thani during a student field trip, triggered by a pickup truck swerving in front of the bus, leading to a multi-vehicle crash.
The collision in Pathum Thani occurred unexpectedly as students were en route to a field trip. It was initiated by a pickup truck suddenly swerving in front of the bus, setting off a chain reaction resulting in a multi-vehicle crash.

The incident raised concerns about road safety and the need for heightened vigilance among drivers, especially when transporting passengers, such as students on educational outings. Authorities emphasized the importance of adhering to traffic regulations and maintaining focus while driving to prevent such tragic accidents.

Road Safety Awareness and Preventive Measures

Efforts to raise awareness about road safety and the consequences of reckless driving are crucial in reducing the risk of future collisions. As investigations into both accidents continue, it serves as a stark reminder of the need for proactive measures to ensure the safety of all road users.

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