
Woman arrested for 2.8 million baht fraud and nude clip scheme



The Royal Thai Police (RTP) have arrested a woman allegedly involved in a scheme that coerced victims into sending nude clips and orchestrated a 2.8 million baht investment scam by impersonating a well-known platform. The accused reportedly convinced victims to send nude clips in exchange for withdrawing their investment funds.

Police Major General Teeradech Thammasuthee, along with an investigative team, apprehended 29-year-old Arisa under a warrant issued by the Nonthaburi Provincial Court. She faces charges of fraud by impersonation and deceitfully entering false information into a computer system. Arisa was arrested near a rental unit on Pitak Road in Buriram.

In March, a female victim reported being defrauded by individuals impersonating a prominent investment platform, who convinced her to transfer money with promises of high returns. Once the money was transferred, it couldn’t be withdrawn. The scammers then coerced the victim into sending nude clips to supposedly release the funds, amounting to over 2.8 million baht.

The victim filed a complaint with the Technology Crime Suppression Division. On May 23, the Nonthaburi Provincial Court approved arrest warrants for five individuals involved in the scam, leading to Arisa’s capture.

Denies Allegations

During questioning, Arisa denied all allegations. She stated that she had completed her education up to the ninth grade, previously worked at a gas station, and is currently unemployed, staying at home to care for her child while her husband works.

Arisa claimed the warrant was related to a visit in March by an acquaintance named Song, whose full name she did not know. According to Arisa, Song visited her shortly after she gave birth and inquired if she had any unused bank accounts. She provided him with an account book and ATM card for a Siam Commercial Bank account she rarely used. Song also downloaded a mobile banking application and had Arisa scan her face for identity verification to link the account.

After these steps, Song treated her to a meal as a form of gratitude and later transferred 500 baht to her account as payment for using it. Arisa said she had not heard from Song again until her arrest.

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A background check revealed that Arisa had a previous arrest in 2019 for drug use and possession with intent to sell. Authorities have now handed Arisa over to the investigators at the Technology Crime Suppression Division for further legal proceedings, as reported by Khaosod.

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