
Taxing times: Newsreader’s fiery retort sparks social media blaze



A TV newsreader’s fiery response to a lawyer’s announcement about investigating his tax records sparked significant attention.

Noom Kanchai shared a post by lawyer Thammarat, who declared his intention to scrutinize the TV host’s tax affairs. In a sharp retort, the TV newsreader indicated he would reciprocate by examining the lawyer’s taxes.

“Excellent, I agree. Go ahead and investigate because, recently, Professor Odd also checked my taxes. As a responsible citizen, I will also ensure that some lesser-known lawyers’ taxes are examined too.”

Kanchai claimed to have information suggesting that the lawyer in question had not paid taxes on both his company and personal income. He urged cooperation, saying, “Let’s work together, lawyer. But unlike you, I won’t say I might. I am definitely going to submit a tax investigation.”

The feud escalated with Kanchai addressing the lawyer directly.

“Someone’s feeling the heat now. I didn’t mention your name, so don’t get defensive. Yes, Thammarat, these people tend to get defensive. The loser lawyer I referred to is also reacting dramatically. It’s amusing, I can’t tell if he’s a clown or a lawyer.”

Public Spat

This public exchange between Kanchai and Thammarat has drawn widespread attention, with many viewers and followers closely monitoring the developments. The incident underscores the intense scrutiny public figures often face and the lengths to which they might go to protect their reputations.

The whole situation began when Thammarat made his announcement, which Kanchai quickly responded to by sharing the post and his biting commentary. This exchange highlights the ongoing tension between public figures and the legal scrutiny they face, especially in high-profile industries where personal and professional lives often intersect.

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Kanchai’s mention of previous tax investigations adds another layer of intrigue to the story. He referenced Professor Odd, who had also looked into his taxes, suggesting that Kanchai is no stranger to such probes.

His readiness to retaliate with his investigation into Thammarat’s tax affairs indicates a willingness to defend his position aggressively.

The statement made by Kanchai, “I will also ensure that some lesser-known lawyers’ taxes are examined too,” suggests he is prepared to take proactive measures against what he perceives as unfair or targeted scrutiny. This move could serve as a deterrent to others who might consider similar actions against him in the future.

The public nature of this dispute, played out on social media, has only added to its intensity. Followers and fans of both Kanchai and Thammarat are likely to have strong opinions, and the situation has undoubtedly generated significant online discussion.

The use of platforms like social media to air such grievances reflects the changing landscape of public and legal battles, where visibility and public opinion play crucial roles.

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