
Thai government splurges 2.95 billion on free school lunches



The Cabinet has approved a 2.95 billion baht allocation for a free school lunch program aimed at supporting nearly half a million students across Thailand during the upcoming 2025 academic year.

According to Karom Pholpornklang, the deputy government spokesperson, the initiative is set to benefit 7,344 schools nationwide.

This comprehensive effort includes 6,855 schools overseen by the Office of the Basic Education Commission, 376 schools under the Local Administration Department, 109 institutions managed by the Bangkok Metropolitan Administration, and four schools administered by the Border Patrol Police, as reported by Thai PBS World.

Under this program, each student will receive a nutritious daily meal, with an average expenditure of 24 baht per student throughout the 200-day academic year, thanks to the substantial annual budget of 2.95 billion baht.

Meanwhile, a seemingly routine social science exam paper has sparked controversy across Thailand, prompting discussions on academic freedom. The exam, administered at Wat That Thong High School, delves into contentious topics such as Thai society, the monarchy, and the commercialization of Buddhism.

“The 2.95 billion baht free school lunch program approval is a vital initiative for Thai students’ nutrition.”

This has led to divided opinions, with concerns raised by Songchai Nianhom of Por-Por-Sor regarding national security implications, while teacher Kaokorn Suksangamkul defended the exam, emphasizing the importance of nurturing critical thinking and academic discourse among students.

In another story, a charitable gesture intended for students at a school in Nan Province took an unexpected turn.

An anonymous donor had pledged educational resources and a treat of fried chicken for the students. However, the promised donation never materialized, leaving the students and teachers disappointed and garnering attention on social media platforms.

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