
Thai authorities dismantle illegal border communication networks



A collaborative effort by the Thai Cyber Police, the National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission (NBTC), and the Department of Special Investigation (DSI) has successfully cracked down on illegal communication networks along Thailand’s border. This operation, conducted on March 2, resulted in the dismantling of illicit signal towers and the confiscation of thousands of unauthorized SIM cards, effectively disrupting vital support to call center gangs and financially backed criminal groups.

Seizing Signal Towers and SIM Cards

Intelligence reports prompted the joint operation after identifying the establishment of call center gangs and their supporting networks on neighboring islands opposite Thailand’s Ranong province. These islands, including Koh Son, Koh Song, and Koh Koo, were found to be backed by financiers providing technological means to facilitate their activities. Through investigation and evidence gathering, various locations with illegal signal towers and installations of SIM boxes—a technology for housing electronic SIM cards—were identified.

The first location, near a pier in the Pak Nam sub-district of Ranong province, housed an illegal signal tower. Similarly, another setup was discovered next to a restaurant, and a third within a private residence, both within the same sub-district. Furthermore, an installation site for SIM boxes and a distribution point for unauthorized SIM cards were found in the Bang Rin sub-district. Law enforcement seized the equipment and initiated legal action against the perpetrators.

Further investigation uncovered a concentrated movement of call center gangs and their networks along the border areas of Ranong province and neighboring countries. Using specialized tools like spectrum analyzers, officials tracked and analyzed signals from multiple clandestine radio communication stations, distributing internet and mobile phone signals to support criminal operations across the border into Myanmar.

  1. Interagency Collaboration: Cyber Police, NBTC, and DSI Joint Efforts

In response to these findings, a concerted effort involving the Cyber Police unit from the NBTC and the DSI was launched to pursue and eradicate these gangs. Three illegal radio communication stations were seized, along with related equipment, violating the Radio Communications Act and the Telecommunications Business Act. Additionally, crackdowns on ghost SIMs led to the apprehension of thousands of SIM cards in violation of the Act on the Prevention and Suppression of Technology Crimes.

Subsequently, all unauthorized radio stations, SIM boxes, and SIM cards were dismantled and confiscated by the police. Suspects were apprehended and handed over for legal proceedings, effectively disrupting the gangs’ access to internet and mobile phone signals.

The police, in collaboration with relevant agencies responsible for border areas, remain committed to ongoing surveillance and law enforcement against similar criminal activities, ensuring the continued integrity of Thailand’s telecommunications infrastructure.

Ongoing Surveillance and Enforcement

The coordinated efforts between law enforcement agencies underscore the commitment to safeguarding the integrity of Thailand’s telecommunications infrastructure. By dismantling illegal communication networks and apprehending those responsible, authorities have dealt a significant blow to criminal activities along the border.

Moving forward, ongoing surveillance and proactive enforcement measures will be essential to prevent the resurgence of such illicit operations. Collaboration between the Cyber Police, NBTC, and DSI will remain pivotal in detecting and dismantling illegal networks, ensuring the safety and security of Thailand’s telecommunications landscape.

Through these concerted efforts, Thailand aims to maintain robust defenses against cybercrime and protect its borders from illicit activities that threaten national security and public safety. By staying vigilant and responsive to emerging threats, law enforcement agencies can effectively counter the ever-evolving tactics of criminal organizations operating within and beyond Thailand’s borders.

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