
Monk in scandalous video leaves Kalasin locals in disbelief (video)



A controversial video featuring a bald man engaged in a sexual act has sparked widespread criticism due to his resemblance to a well-known monk, the abbot of a forest temple in Kalasin province. Recent reports confirm the monk’s absence from the temple.

Malai Khotsri, the village head of Ban Khok Klang in Kuchinarai District, Kalasin, confirmed seeing the viral clip of a bald man, who looks like the monk, performing oral sex on another man. However, he remains skeptical without direct evidence.

Malai noted his long acquaintance with the monk, who had been part of the temple since he was 11 years old and later ordained as a monk in the area, eventually becoming a revered figure in the community.

Malai highlighted the monk’s contributions to the community, including educating locals on sustainable agricultural projects and promoting self-sufficiency. He stressed that the monk had never exhibited any behavior that would tarnish the Buddhist faith. He stated that due to personal reasons, he cannot comment further on this matter and expressed the need to await the monk’s explanation regarding the video. He further commented that seeing the clip and hearing the news was shocking and hard to believe.

The monk, who had been absent from the temple for over 20 days, had informed Malai of his intention to retreat for solitude but did not specify his location.

The clip surfaced on social media during this period, leading to speculation and the current investigation. Malai emphasized the need for fairness to both parties involved, acknowledging that personal faith varies among individuals.

Related: social media blaze

Reports indicate that the Office of National Buddhism in Kalasin and the Provincial Sangha Committee are aware of the situation.

The Director of the Office of National Buddhism for Kalasin, Siamphat Thipsorn, and other officials plan to brief Phra Methiwachiracharn, the provincial head monk and abbot of Wat Klang, a royal temple.

They aim to discuss the incident and determine the next steps in addressing the issue, reported Khaosod.

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